International Board Committee
Head of Retail Banking,
Equity Bank Limited
Past Chair
International Board Committee
Surgeon, Mulago Hospital
Director, Friends Clinic
Evangelical Revival Ministries International
Namuwongo Revival Church
Director, Global Data Management, Finca Impact Finance
Board Member, Uganda Development Bank
Epidemiologist & Physician, Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration
Makerere University
School of Public Health
International Board Committee
Law Partner, Clive and Caesar Advocates
Managing Director,
Wash and Wills Hotel
International Board Committee
Head of Insurance, Lending Tree
VP Medical Affairs, Seattle Children’s Hospital
International Board Committee
Owner & Director,
Physician, The Everett Clinic
Chair, International Board Committee
CEO, Oxitech
Director, Strategic Partnerships
Chief Executive Officer
Malaria Director
Deputy Program Manager,
National Malaria Control Division
Program Manager,
Adaptive Malaria Control
National Malaria Control Division
Finance, HR and Compliance
Entomology & Vector Control
Data Engineer
Marketing and Communications
Research Scientist - Trachoma
Research Scientist - Disease Modeling
Pilgrim Africa was founded in 2001 as an indigenous Christian response to the plight of more than 1.5 million refugees living in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in the war torn regions of Northern Uganda. From its inception over two decades ago as a small organization providing simple medical and nutritional relief and psycho-social support to desperate refugees, Pilgrim Africa has grown to have international reach in public health and education. Retaining a strong focus in Uganda on work within communities, Pilgrim Africa is currently engaged in international evaluation.
Pilgrim Africa is a Ugandan NGO led by a Ugandan board. In 2004, it acquired a “friends of” organization in the US of the same name. The US organization has a separate, active fundraising board, but shares bylaws and is closely partnered. Staff is concentrated in Uganda. In 2006, Pilgrim Africa founded Beacon of Hope School in Soroti, Uganda. In 2020, the school became an independent organization and is now a grantee of Pilgrim Africa.