
Pilgrim Africa brings extensive field experience to offer third-party monitoring and evaluation across diverse settings. We specialize in supporting large-scale malaria programs with a focus on sustainability and scalability. Our approach is rooted in confidence, care, subject expertise and adherence to evaluation standards.

The Global Fund: sub-national tailoring of malaria

Pilgrim Africa was selected by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to evaluate progress in data-driven, sub-national targeting and tailoring of malaria resources in 30 high burden countries to inform the upcoming GC8 funding round. The report will be published on the Global Fund website in early 2025.

Rotary International: Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia (PMFZ)

With Metrics for Management, we evaluated  Rotary International’s first, large scale community case management partnership – a $6 million, 2 province program with the Government of Zambia, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and World Vision -- in order to inform scale up  in  Africa.

FCDO: bilateral malaria investment in Uganda

With American Institutes for Research, we monitored, evaluated and developed a transition strategy for Strengthening Uganda’s Response to Malaria (SURMa),  the UK’s 5-year,  £45m, 27-district malaria  program, in advance of UK funding withdrawal.