
A quick and effective way you can support Pilgrim Africa’s mission of Hope in Uganda is by fundraising. The money you raise helps to fund our various programs and promote God’s good work in Uganda. Here are some simple yet efficient fundraising ideas:


Facebook birthday fundraiser

1) Go to your ‘home’ page, and look on the left side column. The ‘fundraiser’ option is under “Create” at the bottom. Click on “fundraiser” and Facebook will walk you through.

2) Pick your charity

3) Set your fundraising goal and time-frame.

4) Invite people on your friends’ list and engage with them! This is key. Invite, invite, invite!



1) Register with Crowdrise as an individual not working for a nonprofit

2) Select “Start New Campaign” 

3) Enter your Campaign Title, Goal, and Story

4) Upload any images that tell the story of your campaign (Photos can be found at Pilgrim Africa’s blog)

5) Select “Pilgrim Africa” as your nonprofit

Get your church involved!

Ask your pastor if he/she is interested in holding a Special Offering to support Pilgrim Africa. A Special Offering dedicates a day’s tithes and offerings to Pilgrim Africa, spreading your church’s generosity directly to God’s people by advancing Pilgrim Africa’s mission to cultivate hope in Uganda.